Mom and Aunt Peggy, Lunch in New York City

I’m just a guy finding his way in the world.  I have a job, a house, and just tad bit of responsibility… If I’m not working at my day job, you can find me folding paper, writing haiku, taking pictures, or just hanging out. Take a look around.  I hope you enjoy what you see.

Small note about the photo above. It was taken by my Dad, circa 1975. It’s one of my favorite pictures. It came from a scanned 35MM slide. Dad sometimes scanned well, and sometimes not so much. Sadly, he tossed out all his slides after scanning them. I would love to have the original. I’ve used various programs to ‘repair’ these, all with their own issues. It is what it is.

What’s New

Opportunistic photography, just out takin pics for a month: A new project

I do love me an Haiku: Random-Haiku

Life and shit and things. It happens: The feels

I cannot take credit for these, but want to post them anyway… Looking through my Father’s collection of digital photos, here are a few: Photos by MRS

No matter what, I have to go down to Union Station every once in a while. Hope you like some of my pics. Union Station – Downtown Denver