my job
I work at a small software company doing various IT things. Tech support, software installation, and managing our hosting solution for our customers. It’s a great group of folks and I really like working there.
One of our development dudes is leaving today. He’s moving to another state ‘cause his wife got a killer job. We are lucky in only one aspect of this… He’s staying on board and will become a virtual presences in our office. His wisdom and skill will still be available to us, even if just blips across the intertubz.
I never see any of my customers so I am wondering how I will cope with this set-up. Connected, but detached from the day to day office dynamic. He’ll still be a guiding force for our company but we will lose just a little bit. I don’t fear this, and I don’t even know what will be lost. I work for a great company, and with great people so we’ll just have to make this work.
I wish him all the best.