A good place to soak
I’m becoming more of a fan of the hot springs. Get up in the hills for a nice soak. Stay in the pool till your fingers are prunes, then get out, sit in the sun for a bit. Hike up to the next pool. Then repeat the processes.
This is Valley View Hot Springs. Down near Moffett, just at the base of the mountains. I have yet to check out all their springs. The hiking is nice and the end goal is good, but I prefer the flatter kind of hiking. It’s not crazy bad, and the trees and the trails make it extra nice. I’m just old and out of shape.
Summer days are wonderful there, just wear sunscreen. The only winter time hot springs I’ve been too was Strawberry Hot Springs near Steamboat. Also wonderful, but…. If you’re not in the pools, you’re just cold. I don’t like cold. It’s been a few years since I’ve been back there. Once in the summer nights I got turned around from the parking lot to the pools. The sound of the river kept getting closer and closer. Can’t be far away…. Yeah they were. I turned back and found the way. Just way to close to the rushing river.