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    moar scooby drama

    You know how they say, you can never go home? It’s the same with my car. Once busted, it will never be 100%. So my Morris got hit in my parking lot. Took it in to get fixed, the body shop did a fine job of fixing it. I was so pleased to have it back, all shiny and back to normal. That is, until I dropped the tail gate to wash it. It was all skewed. Like fitting a round peg into a square hole. The gap between the tail lights was not even, the tail gate was tough to open, and when closed again, never fit quite right.…

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    my scoobytruck

    Someone sideswiped my Baja last night. It was innocently sitting in my parking lot and some asshole snaked his bumper down the side of my ride. Didn’t even leave a note. Denver PD calls this a Hit & Run. I called the non-emergency number and they said I would have to make a report from the scene. So I get home from work, make the call, and about 1 hour later, my phone rings and on the other end is a nice Traffic cop. She informed me my report was done, and all I had to do was verify my drivers license number. She arrived, found my car sitting in…

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    Play to you win!

    The other night I had a craving for the cheesy diner, greasy burger experience. Gunther Toody’s is always a fun place. I admit to being a bad speler, inappropriate uzer of the coma, and often times mixerupper of words (sea?). That’s why I find some signs so funny. This gem was on the Claw machine.

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    my job

    I work at a small software company doing various IT things. Tech support, software installation, and managing our hosting solution for our customers. It’s a great group of folks and I really like working there. One of our development dudes is leaving today. He’s moving to another state ‘cause his wife got a killer job. We are lucky in only one aspect of this… He’s staying on board and will become a virtual presences in our office. His wisdom and skill will still be available to us, even if just blips across the intertubz. I never see any of my customers so I am wondering how I will cope with…

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    Self portrait

    I think this site will become an extension of me. A self portrait in HTML. Unlike this stoic (yeah, I have no other word for it) pencil drawing I hope it will be topical about my life and what’s going on in my mind. Agreed with or not, words must be read before they are written. I can write to my hearts content but unless someone sees them, they are useless. So many blogs out there are interesting to only a select few individuals, and that’s okay with me if this becomes that. I have things to say and this is a good outlet. I joked with some co-workers I…

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    The battle over web browsers

    When creating something on a program that is so easy to use, I get frustrated that it does not work for everyone. iWeb is the standard site editor for Apple. It has templates for everything. Trouble is, when you diverge from those templates, and do your own thing, sometimes things get a little whackass. I discovered over some testing the last few days that Microsoft’s Internet Explorer does not play well with iWeb created sites. Ugh…. After much web searching, finding answers, testing answers, and generally getting ticked off, I -FINALLY- found an answer that was helpful. Not a direct answer, but an answer nonetheless that lead to a solution.…

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    First selfie

    Yeah, that’s me when I was 15. Only one dorky picture allowed on this site, so might as well get it out of the way. I was in Washington D.C. on an extended school trip. It was my first major trip without parental supervision. Good thing there were other adults to keep the wild one’s in line. I don’t think I was one of the wild ones.