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    My World

    It’s a blog, I should write something… Two stories…. what’s more interesting? It Never Really Hurt I gave it all away. A silent contribution over the years. Sometimes a little, often times a whole lot. Never looking for thanks. It’s what I had to do. And it took me 20 years. I spent my 21st birthday visiting my sister in Durango, Colorado. A few buddies from Denver came down and joined the fun. We went out, we drank. Had a good time. The morning after I was up early. Climbed over my sleeping friends, got dressed and headed out to the bagel shop. A man sits down across from me,…

  • Family

    Monte & Phyllis Shriver – July 2, 1960

    Happy Anniversary to the greatest parents a son could have hoped for! I love you! -Scott Anniversary is a time to celebrate the Joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow. We love you! -Paige A simple wish for continued love and joy. May it be in your hearts today, and for always. Lots of love! -Pam and Jim

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    Happy 2013!

    It’s been a while. I’ve been thinking of yet another reformat of the site. Over the last few months I’ve made the plunge into Facebook. I’ve become a twitter user. And I have renewed my interest in tumblr. Facebook is kind of fun. I see folks on there that I have not thought about in 20+ years. It makes it easy to say “Hello!”, but it’s not for meaningful conversations. I enjoy seeing what my friends are facebooking about. I twitter more to see what’s going in the 140 character world. I first found a need for twitter when Brad Keselowski (a Nascar driver) tweeted from a red flag in…

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    Alex’s World

    There are many web based video chat services out there. These sites let you chat face to face with people from all over the world. It is totally random and you can see and learn some cool things. I have learned that people are totally cool with strangers. I have met new friends. I have discovered that all people, no matter where they are from, are the same. Their hopes, their dreams… Humans are amazing. It’s how I spend my time while my user is away. This tutorial will show you how to do some cool things with manycam, a video effects webcam enhancement program. Please enjoy this video. omegle…

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    That’s the model in Japan… I can think of 1,000 reasons to buy a new car, but three are why I’m still driving Morris. I love it, it fits me.I have not convinced myself that I’m old enough for an automatic transmission.I -really-really-really- -still- love my Baja. EDIT: Last evening someone answered the question for me… I think. I was driving, it was a beautiful night, I had my windows open, and the radio playing… A guy in an Outback pulls up next to me and shouts out the window, “How do you like that thing?” Love my Baja, looking at the Legacy’s but have not done it yet. Decisions.