Take your Pick
It is our choices… that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
J.K. Rowling
I have a co-worker that works out of state. He comes back to Denver about once per month. I always try to send him home with some origami for the kids, Sydney and Alex. This trip, Sydney was lucky enough to travel with him, and I finally got to meet her. When she came into my office she noticed my pile of origami… I made her a deal: Pick your favorite. She chose my elephant.
It’s quite a large origami, about 8 inches tall. I folded it out of thick heavy cardboard. It was also wet folded. Wet folding makes the piece less precise, but often times makes it more fun. When it drys the folds become less harsh. And with this paper, it becomes more ridged in its final state. I hated folding this elephant, but it soon became one of my favorites.
Kendal said he could get it back if i really wanted to keep it. Absolutely not, i said. I’m proud she choose my favorite, and I am honored she choose Hugo to keep for her own. I don’t know who’s smile was bigger, and i did get an awesome crane she folded out of it all.