
The names we know

I met another Scott today. Nothing unusual but we delved into flashbacks. He had a nickname I’d never heard…. Scotty Potty. Apparently given to him by is kindergarten teacher. Never heard that one. Beam me up Scotty. Both heard many dozens or hundreds of times. Great Scott! One of the fewer things called over the years. A former coworker called me Scotty once…. Not impressed at all. My response was a bit curt….

“There are three types of people that call me that.” I said with as stern a voice as I could. “Those I allow. Those I tolerate. And you are neither. It’s Scott.”

She stfu immediately.

Anyway…. nicknames. Where was I…. My Mom and Daddio were one of the most honest and loving couples I have ever known. From a young age I remember that my Mom always referred to my dad as MR. M period R period. MR. that’s it.

My Auntie (dads sister) always referred to me as S. Richard and my Dad as M. Richard. Not just in the sense of when I was being naughty. Just always.

At least that’s what I remember. Might be a flawed memory but I wanna know.

I’m going to ask my Mom. Like many things the MR faded from use. Although later in life I remember her reverting back to that. I never asked why then, but I want to know now. I never asked my Auntie, but…

The memories we have are gilded in love. I’d never thought much about it, till I met another Scott in a bar. Till the memories came up and things I hadn’t thought of in years. But now is a good time to ask.

it's easy to say something nice....