They count people ya know
They just recently released census data for 1950. I went and looked, and here’s what I found:
- Charles F. Shriver, Jr., Head of household, White, Male, 44 years old, Married, born in Kansas, 50 hours per week as a Truck Driver, Oil field, Born of mother and father also born in USA, 10th grade was highest education, 42 weeks employed in prior year, in 1949 earned $2,500 (about $30,000 today)
- Winifred R. Shriver, Wife, White, Female, 43 years old, Married, born in Kansas, keeping house, no other employment
- Monte R. Shriver, Son, White, Male, 15 years old, never Married, born in Kansas, School boy
- Sandra S. Shriver, Daughter, Female, 11 years old, never Married, born in New Mexico
- Peggy C. Shriver, Daughter, Female, 4 years old, never Married, born in New Mexico
On my Mom’s side.
- John W. Heard, Head of household, White, Male, 38 years old, Married, born in Texas, 36 hours a week as a Superintendent, Oil field
- Margaret N. Heard, Wife, Female, 35 years old, Married, born in Texas
- Phyllis Heard, Daughter, Female, 12 years old, never Married, born in Texas
- Phillip Heard, Son, Male, 9 years old, never Married, born in Texas
Interesting data for whatever it’s worth.