Our next President and Vice President

This is the beginning of the end to trumps presidential tour. I’m not happy, I am ecstatic. The last 4 years has indeed been a shit show, and I am reminded of my father’s words. “This nation is big enough and strong enough to survive 4 years of anyone being president.” He never thought of trump or a crazy pandemic when he said that. To be honest, I don’t even remember which president he was referring to. He was a life long republican but I have no idea when he flipped. Over the years I’ve held many of his same political leanings. In my heart though I would classify myself as a conservative libertarian.
I cannot sit here as I write and give you one reason I voted against trump. But I can give you one full stop reason I voted for Biden and Harris. America. It’s a big word that encompasses many beliefs, all of which we share in the broader sense. We can argue about the specifics, and that’s why we have elections.
As much as I want to be inspirational, I can’t be. The year hasn’t dulled my tongue, but doubt, confusion, worry, sadness, madness, anger and grief has numbed it. I’ve had hope but feel it was forced to keep some sanity. Reason flickering in the haze. I’ve been pretty lucky to have a healthy family and a stable job, but I can’t say I’ve contributed much to the global good. Or my own good.
The one hope I realize I have more and more? That once the tantrums of our current president are over… once the “leadership” of the Republican Party has a come to Jesus talk…. and once trump fades out of the White House his facade and hold over half the country will end. He will be proven to be a crook, and everyone will realize what a small and sad man he is.
I can only hope, because right now that’s what I can do.