
  • Life,  Photography

    You have to get away sometimes

    I’ve tried to get out more this past year. For a few years it was just not in the cards. I rarely have commitments and there’s no reason not to. And anything a short drive from home even spending the night in some cheep hotel is a good thing. I’ve become too old though. Highway mountain passes are not my favorite thing anymore. Slow dirt roads with drop offs is no big deal. But 70+ MPH with crazy on the road just does not do it. I’m reminded of drives in the mountains with my Gran and Grandad. Gran would would be in the passenger seat pointing out all the…

  • Family,  Life,  Photography

    My Dads words

    WINIFRED RUTH MARSHALL SHRIVERFEBRUARY 25, 1907 – JUNE 13, 2006 Mother was one of 11 children(one boy died as an infant) of Ira and Bertha Marshall. There were 5 boys and 5 girls with 25 years between the youngest and oldest child. Aunt Mary, born in 1900 was the oldest and Uncle Bob being the youngest born in 1925. With the passing of Aunt Edna in 2012 at the age of 101, only Uncle Bob is alive today (July 31, 2014). Mother made it to 99+ years. She spent the last 4 years of her life first in assisted living and the last two or three years in a nursing…

  • Life


    So here is another before raw pic and an edit. I have like 17 apps to edit photos but my go to is PS Express. The second is Snapseed. I don’t pay for either and 90% I can get them to do what I want. Say what you want

  • Art,  Life,  Photography

    My new favorite picture

    I might post the unedited version but I probably won’t. I might also try another edit but once I’m done I feel I’m done. I don’t do people well but this only took a few attempts. She was just sitting and I had to try and capture her.

  • Family,  Life

    Goodbye, Mom.

    I’ve always loved this song. Long before my Daddio died, and long before Mom. But this week I understand it a bit more. My mother died on Sunday, and she’s now with her Husband. As much as I hate that she’s no longer with me, I understand. It’s not easy, but I understand. A week prior my sister and I did get to spend her 85th birthday with her. We sat in the sun, we had cake, we were just together. We played music and sat around while she napped. She had a rum and coke, and some good coffee from Dunken Donuts, two of her favorite things. And we…

  • Life,  Photography

    Denver Parks

    I’m trying to get back in the habit of getting to a park and touching some grass.  Walk around, play my Ingress, see people and things.  It’s been a bit, but a few times a week visiting not only tried and true parks, but some new ones as well. It’s an adventure. And yes, I’m taking pictures.

  • car,  Life

    The feels

    Not sure how I feel actually. Sucks but there are worse things in life. Like biting your tongue. Paper cuts. Death. So no big deal I was surprisingly calm. Ya get your week old car ran into and you should be mad. But I’m not. The end of summer car meet. A trip of 200 or so going up to Mt. Evans. To see the sunset from there is quite the site I’m told. It didn’t happen today I blessed Wallas shortly after I got it with the same cruse. But it was in the dark and I didn’t make it all the way up. I’m getting old. But today…

  • Life

    Stranger danger

    I lived in New Jersey from age 4ish to 7ish. My family moved to Colorado when I was in 2nd grade. It was the 70’s and not much was worth writing home about. It’s not an obsession but a curiosity on my part. I’ve always been fascinated by missing people, kidnapping stories, runaway…. People who disappear only to be found years later. “I know my first name is Stephen”. Shaun Hornbeck, Elizabeth Smart. And the sadder cases like Etan Patz, Adam Walsh, Johnny Gosch…. It’s all crazy. I remember a few crazy things in my life and let me share the brief details as I remember them… I was walking…

  • Art,  Life

    Just a sketch

    Sometimes I try without edges, and just see what happens. Most fail horribly… this fails a bit less than horribly. So I’m posting it. Crazy methods of mine, and I don’t want to make you watch me make this, but starts out many colors in FreshPaint, then export and import as black and white, then tweak… refined, but messy.  The more I do this, the more I hate ears, and noses, and lips, and chins, and eyes.  Yeah, I hate it. Bonus point question, who is the subject?