Cherry Creek State Park
Just a trip to take some pictures. I found a bench.
Always a Seat at the window
2025 Here We GO!
Looking back to start the new year. Not sure who took this, it’s not exactly a selfie.
View from above
Another Dad pic worthy of posting. A few minor edits
Red Mountain Pass
Went down to the four corners to spend time with my sister and brother-in-law. It was a fun weekend. Went up to Silverton and Ouray… still got to see some of the fall colors.
Surprise trip
Back in September 2007 I surprised my father for his birthday. I knew that mom and dad were going to spend the weekend in Taos, New Mexico. A friend and I also knew a friend in Taos so we decided to make a weekend of it to. Surprise was successful and we had a great time.
Does a bear shit in the woods?
I will be folding this lil guy again. On a bigger sheet probably
The towel hangs
The bench. The towel/coat rack. I just had to take a photo. I love benches you know. It’s a nice bench and the towel is ready when you are.
You have to get away sometimes
I’ve tried to get out more this past year. For a few years it was just not in the cards. I rarely have commitments and there’s no reason not to. And anything a short drive from home even spending the night in some cheep hotel is a good thing. I’ve become too old though. Highway mountain passes are not my favorite thing anymore. Slow dirt roads with drop offs is no big deal. But 70+ MPH with crazy on the road just does not do it. I’m reminded of drives in the mountains with my Gran and Grandad. Gran would would be in the passenger seat pointing out all the…
A good place to soak
I’m becoming more of a fan of the hot springs. Get up in the hills for a nice soak. Stay in the pool till your fingers are prunes, then get out, sit in the sun for a bit. Hike up to the next pool. Then repeat the processes. This is Valley View Hot Springs. Down near Moffett, just at the base of the mountains. I have yet to check out all their springs. The hiking is nice and the end goal is good, but I prefer the flatter kind of hiking. It’s not crazy bad, and the trees and the trails make it extra nice. I’m just old and out…