I see alot of scooters. I like to take pictures of them.
Why Not?
the fall of ego slammed fast against the cold ground return of ego -Bad Haiku by SrS
I Love This Photo
Out For a Walk
Went out for a walk with an Ingress buddy. It was Second Sunday which means not a thing to most… But it was a chance to meet a friend for breakfast, venture into the real world, encounter random strangers, and take a few photos. 5 miles 6 parks, 6 missions 140ish portals Ingress is the forerunner of Pokémon GO and Wizards Unite, only way cooler. Here are some random photographs snuck in along the way. Which is your favorite?…
The names we know
I met another Scott today. Nothing unusual but we delved into flashbacks. He had a nickname I’d never heard…. Scotty Potty. Apparently given to him by is kindergarten teacher. Never heard that one. Beam me up Scotty. Both heard many dozens or hundreds of times. Great Scott! One of the fewer things called over the years. A former coworker called me Scotty once…. Not impressed at all. My response was a bit curt…. “There are three types of people that call me that.” I said with as stern a voice as I could. “Those I allow. Those I tolerate. And you are neither. It’s Scott.” She stfu immediately. Anyway…. nicknames.…
Bad Poetry Day
If you’ve been following along, on August 12, 2016 I broke my leg skating. Yeah, mostly all better 5 years later, but today I came across this. It was an attempt at something almost one year before that, at the same location my leg went boom. I find it funny that on that day, I was not skating. Should have kept it that way. Oh, you! bad meter and rhyme Stuck in my head like gum saved on bedpost Old. Dry. Flavorless. Till morning I heed the call And savor its flavor Till something else comes along #badpoetryday #notskating
Still with the edits…
The Boy In All Of Us
This was not an intentional photo, and I had even forgotten about it. It was taken by accident and just uploaded like 99% of all my horrible pics. Until I looked back. The original had my thumb in the way. I did not want to upload it as it was snapped, but you know me… I luvz me a good edit. Perhaps this is good, perhaps not. The boy I once was Adults gather, and drink and laugh With dad doing man things I sit, wanting to grow old The man I am now I sit, wanting to be young
My Mother’s Hands
Protected: Idk
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.