• Life,  Photography

    I’m tired of things

    I cannot tell you how many covid tests I have had in the last year. Maybe 1/2 dozen I think, but I’m not going back and counting… I don’t care to know. All needed, and not all out of exposure or worry. wo last February when I developed a fever that would not go away for 4 days. Turns out I had a tooth infection and antibiotics cleared that crap up. a few for preparing for travel down to see Mom, and a few from this stupid little notification. Exposure from 6 days ago… Normally it’s been 2…. and normally I’d run out and get a test, but 6 days…

  • Uncategorized

    Goodbye 2021! Hello 2022!

    What can I say about 2021… another bang up, fucked up, mediocre year. Covid kinda went away, and came back… people got almost normal, but not.  Idiots left the White House, but the country is split.  Here in Colorado, we ended with a crazy fire…. and then bitter cold and snow.  In all honesty, I can’t think of one significant thing that affected me in 2021.  I went to work, I got vaccinated, I stayed home.  What I lost out on, tho… visiting my Mom as much as I would to have liked.  Movies.  Co-workers.  Hugs.  Crowds.  People watching.  Car meets.  I want to be poetic, but not even feeling…

  • Mom and Dad
    Family,  Life

    Work and Family

    It’s funny, I lost my dad almost 2 years ago, but as soon as I heard some news at work yesterday, I immediately thought of him. He was always the first person I called when big work news hit, and this news I felt the need to tell him. Our president is retiring. After 16 years, the last 5ish as president, he’s moving on to spend more time with his family. He’s sticking around till March, and his replacement has already been named. Dad always was asking about my job and life and everything. Whenever he saw a ad for my company in any magazine, he’d always bring it up……

  • Laptop keyboard

    Meeting Time

    I appreciate online meetings. If I’m not doodling, I’m editing photos. I do pay attention to the meeting mostly, but it’s a distraction. What meeting tactics I hate? When the person just reads their slides. Don’t do that. Things to do? Enable closed captions or transcripts. Do this especially if your presenting over a big screen in a room. As good as remote is audio skittish sometimes and this helps.

  • Prose

    Not my poem

    I crossed that fine line between love and hate Only to find there was nothing new. No one changed for me, either way. So I walked on until I crossed the fine line between joy and sorrow, And again discovered nothing new. They still refused to change. So I struggled on until I crossed that ever fine line between life and death, And found my soul fresh and new. And realized, to late, that change only comes from within. ~Gail K. Beaudry

  • Life,  Photography

    Out For a Walk

    Went out for a walk with an Ingress buddy. It was Second Sunday which means not a thing to most… But it was a chance to meet a friend for breakfast, venture into the real world, encounter random strangers, and take a few photos. 5 miles 6 parks, 6 missions 140ish portals Ingress is the forerunner of Pokémon GO and Wizards Unite, only way cooler. Here are some random photographs snuck in along the way. Which is your favorite?…

  • Family

    The names we know

    I met another Scott today. Nothing unusual but we delved into flashbacks. He had a nickname I’d never heard…. Scotty Potty. Apparently given to him by is kindergarten teacher. Never heard that one. Beam me up Scotty. Both heard many dozens or hundreds of times. Great Scott! One of the fewer things called over the years. A former coworker called me Scotty once…. Not impressed at all. My response was a bit curt…. “There are three types of people that call me that.” I said with as stern a voice as I could. “Those I allow. Those I tolerate. And you are neither. It’s Scott.” She stfu immediately. Anyway…. nicknames.…