The Snow “storm” of 2021
Went out for some pictures at my favorite place this morning. The 2021 storm was delayed.
The wheel chair photo was taken in March 2018. My father was in the hospital dealing with his newly diagnosed cancer. The photo of Mom and Dad was taken in March 2012 in California. We took a trip out to San Diego. Good Memories.
I Do Love The Snow
It’s a good day when you wake up to a snow blanket. Had about 10 inches of the light fluffy stuff. Packed really well in the streets. Haven’t had too many snow pictures this year, but on the way to work I had to stop and take a few.
Moving Pictures
Still catching up on old site migration…
I really have no idea
It’s the first Monday of the New Year. 2021! What can I say? It’s no different than yesterday, or yesteryear. Although I admit I have not been myself. Covid funk perhaps. I don’t know. Honestly. I feel like I’ve been punched. Not caring about the big things, and caring way to much about the small things. This is new to me. I exist, and that’s about it. The art of Saturday / Sunday do nothing has crept into Monday. Tuesday becomes the attempted recovery of Monday. Wednesday just is. Thursday comes along leading to doubts about the weekend. Forget Friday, it’s an allowed excuse. Wake up on Saturday, do nothing.…
A final note about 2020
A long rambling post without much point other than to say what’s in my head. It’s the last day of the year and it seems appropriate. 2021 is a day closer. This shit being over is a day closer. If we don’t remember, we are doomed to repeat. On January 7th, I got my Passport for an expected trip to Australia. I was excited and both Mom and Dad were excited for me to go, but it took them prodding me for months before I said yes to the trip. Almost every phone call Mom would ask, When are you going? April! Ticket was purchased all things GO! I was…
A Photographer Shout-out
Aspiring photographer, hoping to bring a smile to you through my artwork. Brian Mason I’ve always said I am a photographer of chance. I like impromptu things that catch my eye. Never worried about what I do with them, but hope others find them cool or fun. My friend Brian is a talented guy… he’s way more patient than I am and I like his style. So here’s an unsolicited plug… go follow him… go buy his art. The photos here are his. Brian Mason – digital downloads & prints, powered by Picfair Brian (@colobphoto) • Instagram photos and videos
Sitting without feelBusy work to pass the timeThe day moves, but I do not….
The Family Tree
One of my favorite Christmas memories is of the family tree. It was never anything polished or perfect with 100 generic bows, perfectly placed lights, and many same Christmas balls. It was unique. Each ornament had a story. A mismatched set of all the unfit Christmas ornaments gathered over the years. Hand made by little hands or carefully chosen because they were cute. Some indeed mass produced. Every year a few more added. Each kid had our favorites and we always got to hang them with care. We had three extra special ones. A big glass ball with each of our names in glitter. Paige, Pam, and Scott. Always the…
The occasional bug to self portrait. Think this sums up 2020 with a few short weeks to go. I miss people’s smiles. I miss hugs. I miss conversation. I miss family. I miss leadership. I miss walking the mall. I miss my coworkers. I miss spitting on the grass. I miss downtown. I miss haircuts. I miss me. I miss many other things I can’t even express. We will all be different when this is over. Not even sure what the world will look like. Our attention. Our attitude. Our love for our fellow human. It will be difficult to adjust back I think. Some now are so fatigued that…