I did a bad thing
It’s been 6 years since I got my first tattoo. Then a few months later I got my second. Always thought about the next but never really pressed the issue. Until now. I’m not a tattoo guy in the traditional sense. I see ink on others and I don’t judge, but I wonder what their thoughts were in some of their choices. Others that I see I am amazed in everything… the color, the design, the location… a living work on flesh. There can be true beauty in a tattoo. I remember my first time in a tattoo parlor. I was 17 or 18. Mr. Wizards on Colfax. Not the…
Photo Edits
I edit some (most) of all my photos… Usually just minor tweaks. I have about 100 apps on my phone, but my go to apps are PS Express and Stackables.
My Parents
Here’s the DVD I created for my Parents 50th Anniversary. It’s a late version, but not the final version. It was a fun project. There was some discussion amongst us children on the music, but I think it turned out well. Bette Midler’s The Rose some say is a sad song. I don’t think that. The other tunes just express what I wanted to say, some with my father’s approval but most were a surprise to him. I thank him for gathering and scanning most of the pictures from his vast selection of 35mm slides. During this project, I remembered back to the times when it was a 3 hour event…
My Mom
Dementia is often regarded as an embarrassing condition that should be hushed up and not spoken about. But I feel passionately that more needs to be done to raise awareness, which is why I became an ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Society. Kevin Whately September 2020…. I’m just now making this post public. I want to edit and modify this, but i wont. It still holds today… My father has since left us. I love him and my mom, and cherish every moment together. During this crazy time, it’s something we need to do. February 2015 ~ This, my friend, is something that needs to be said. It’s not a new…
The Surgery
I woke up that Saturday morning with two anesthesiologist over me. Not 100% coherent, probably not even 50%. Kinda sorta maybe remember being wheeled out of my room. My sister might have been there, it could have been Liz. I just don’t know. I do remember them asking my name and birth date. Those two questions were frequent over the next few days… any time a nurse gave me meds they always wanted to know this information. I got so bothered by it that anytime a new face came into my view I would introduce myself. Even familiar faces got the introduction. But anyway… back to the happy guys. My…
The ER
New people surround me as I lay there on the ambulance gurney. They need to get me off but I want nothing of that. Sure the ER bed is bigger and more stable, but they have to move me. And I have no idea what that’s going to feel like. More questions come from the nurses, who am I, what happened, did I hit my head? I’ve answered all these at least three times tonight, pretty good at the answers now. The next in sequence is all a blur… Five or six people surround me. I can tell you it happened, but not when. They ask me if I can…
My Life Changed
I broke my left femur on Friday, August 12, 2016. It was just a normal day. A week away from Charlie heading off to college. We wanted to spend time together and debated what to do. Fate chose Skate City. A place we had not been to for a while…. For many years, we’d spend Friday nights there. She’d get to hang with her friends, and I’d just skate, mostly minding my own business. I could skate but age tamed me. It was a challenge to move to roller blades but I did it. They were cooler than skates so yeah, I quickly picked them up. Charlie was a natural…
The Job
I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. Steve Jobs Every 6 or 9 or 12 months, my office puts on a User Conference. It’s a chance for our customers to get together and learn about our software. Not only new features, but how to better use the existing features and functions. This past week was the first time we did an entire week… Had…
There’s no fear like losing your dog. Second to that is seeing someone else lose their dog. As I turned off Santa Fe on my drive home from work today, around the corner comes a dog that I swear could have been Spike. He was running as dogs run and mostly sticking to the sidewalk. Not too far behind him was a boy. What struck me most was I could clearly see his face. Fear has big eyes, and his certainly were huge. No tears, just eyes that could swallow one whole. The dog was loose and running towards one of the busiest streets with cars traveling over the 55…
Strong women need not declare they can carry all the burdens in life. They just quietly do it and survive with a smile. Princess Maleiha Bajunid Candao My Gram was a strong woman. I probably always knew this but recently I realized this more than ever. Never once do I remember her getting angry, or upset, or even annoyed. She was always matter fact… not unemotional or uncaring. She lived through a lot and never complained. She was always there, ready to understand, to give a helping hand or needed hug. She was my Gram. I can say the same for all my grandparents. They all had different styles, but…