
  • Life,  Photography

    Denver Parks

    I’m trying to get back in the habit of getting to a park and touching some grass.  Walk around, play my Ingress, see people and things.  It’s been a bit, but a few times a week visiting not only tried and true parks, but some new ones as well. It’s an adventure. And yes, I’m taking pictures.

  • car,  Life

    The feels

    Not sure how I feel actually. Sucks but there are worse things in life. Like biting your tongue. Paper cuts. Death. So no big deal I was surprisingly calm. Ya get your week old car ran into and you should be mad. But I’m not. The end of summer car meet. A trip of 200 or so going up to Mt. Evans. To see the sunset from there is quite the site I’m told. It didn’t happen today I blessed Wallas shortly after I got it with the same cruse. But it was in the dark and I didn’t make it all the way up. I’m getting old. But today…

  • Life

    Stranger danger

    I lived in New Jersey from age 4ish to 7ish. My family moved to Colorado when I was in 2nd grade. It was the 70’s and not much was worth writing home about. It’s not an obsession but a curiosity on my part. I’ve always been fascinated by missing people, kidnapping stories, runaway…. People who disappear only to be found years later. “I know my first name is Stephen”. Shaun Hornbeck, Elizabeth Smart. And the sadder cases like Etan Patz, Adam Walsh, Johnny Gosch…. It’s all crazy. I remember a few crazy things in my life and let me share the brief details as I remember them… I was walking…

  • Art,  Life

    Just a sketch

    Sometimes I try without edges, and just see what happens. Most fail horribly… this fails a bit less than horribly. So I’m posting it. Crazy methods of mine, and I don’t want to make you watch me make this, but starts out many colors in FreshPaint, then export and import as black and white, then tweak… refined, but messy.  The more I do this, the more I hate ears, and noses, and lips, and chins, and eyes.  Yeah, I hate it. Bonus point question, who is the subject?

  • Life

    Who am I?

    It’s never been a secret to me. I am adopted. I have two sisters and I am the youngest. The oldest, Paige, is adopted also. Pam the middle child was a happy accident of Mom getting pregnant. Nothing wrong with either Mom or Dad… just oil and vinegar in terms of reproductive genes. Well no one is ever 100% right. But three was the perfect number so my parents made it known that they would love a son. One call in November1969 telling them come pick up their son. I’m sure it’s way more complicated than that, but… That’s truly how I always want it to be. My Daddio tells…

  • Family,  Life

    Dads, sons, and guns

    Never was much of a gun guy. And neither was my Daddio. I know he had a few guns and growing up was able to see and know about all of them. He had a 22 revolver with a long barrel. Shot it a few times mainly at wood peckers that wanted to nest in our house. Probably knocked off more branches than woodpeckers. Just a kid knowing what a gun was and what it could do. He also had a snub nosed 38 revolver. Kept it on the top shelf back corner of his closet shelf. Yup I knew where it was. It was never loaded. The only time…

  • Life,  Photography

    Just why?

    Scott!???! Why the fuck are you photographing a men’s room? Just because…. sometimes it’s not about the content, it’s about the edits. Weirdly, I had an idea, and yes…. this is what I settled on. Lots to say perhaps, or very little. Usually, the less you say in the men’s room is better. Get in, get out. Most guys know this… most women don’t. Some unsaid rule you learn. Does anyone remember the full-length urinals? Or the troughs? I know, sometimes I am weird. So be it.

  • Art,  Life

    Mudge boy, Line man, and UGH

    A few weeks ago, I gave up my old Microsoft Surface for a new Microsoft Surface Laptop.  It was working fine, but reasons… needed new and shiny, just wanted to, and just wanted it.  So I just did it.  With that came all the other things, my pen from Bamboo was OKAY, but wasn’t perfect…  had to get the Slim Pen 2. It really works quite well. I like to play artist but have not been motivated much of the pandemic crazy time. Forcing myself back in cause it clears the mind. Today I needed it.  Head crud the last two days (not covid) has kept me at home. Have…

  • Life,  Photography

    I’m tired of things

    I cannot tell you how many covid tests I have had in the last year. Maybe 1/2 dozen I think, but I’m not going back and counting… I don’t care to know. All needed, and not all out of exposure or worry. wo last February when I developed a fever that would not go away for 4 days. Turns out I had a tooth infection and antibiotics cleared that crap up. a few for preparing for travel down to see Mom, and a few from this stupid little notification. Exposure from 6 days ago… Normally it’s been 2…. and normally I’d run out and get a test, but 6 days…

  • Mom and Dad
    Family,  Life

    Work and Family

    It’s funny, I lost my dad almost 2 years ago, but as soon as I heard some news at work yesterday, I immediately thought of him. He was always the first person I called when big work news hit, and this news I felt the need to tell him. Our president is retiring. After 16 years, the last 5ish as president, he’s moving on to spend more time with his family. He’s sticking around till March, and his replacement has already been named. Dad always was asking about my job and life and everything. Whenever he saw a ad for my company in any magazine, he’d always bring it up……