A final note about 2020
A long rambling post without much point other than to say what’s in my head. It’s the last day of the year and it seems appropriate. 2021 is a day closer. This shit being over is a day closer. If we don’t remember, we are doomed to repeat. On January 7th, I got my Passport for an expected trip to Australia. I was excited and both Mom and Dad were excited for me to go, but it took them prodding me for months before I said yes to the trip. Almost every phone call Mom would ask, When are you going? April! Ticket was purchased all things GO! I was…
Sitting without feelBusy work to pass the timeThe day moves, but I do not….
The Family Tree
One of my favorite Christmas memories is of the family tree. It was never anything polished or perfect with 100 generic bows, perfectly placed lights, and many same Christmas balls. It was unique. Each ornament had a story. A mismatched set of all the unfit Christmas ornaments gathered over the years. Hand made by little hands or carefully chosen because they were cute. Some indeed mass produced. Every year a few more added. Each kid had our favorites and we always got to hang them with care. We had three extra special ones. A big glass ball with each of our names in glitter. Paige, Pam, and Scott. Always the…
The occasional bug to self portrait. Think this sums up 2020 with a few short weeks to go. I miss people’s smiles. I miss hugs. I miss conversation. I miss family. I miss leadership. I miss walking the mall. I miss my coworkers. I miss spitting on the grass. I miss downtown. I miss haircuts. I miss me. I miss many other things I can’t even express. We will all be different when this is over. Not even sure what the world will look like. Our attention. Our attitude. Our love for our fellow human. It will be difficult to adjust back I think. Some now are so fatigued that…
Found It
Found the card. I’m not crying, you are.
Our next President and Vice President
This is the beginning of the end to trumps presidential tour. I’m not happy, I am ecstatic. The last 4 years has indeed been a shit show, and I am reminded of my father’s words. “This nation is big enough and strong enough to survive 4 years of anyone being president.” He never thought of trump or a crazy pandemic when he said that. To be honest, I don’t even remember which president he was referring to. He was a life long republican but I have no idea when he flipped. Over the years I’ve held many of his same political leanings. In my heart though I would classify myself…
Shower Thoughts
Speaking of showers….. The only reference I have as an adult to how small I once was is the shower towel. When I was younger, like 5 or 7, I always associated climbing out of the tub or shower with a great big fuzzy towel. Either Mom or Dad would wrap me up and quickly dry me off. When I was older and able to responsibly practice good bathing techniques, they would let me do my thing. But the thing is, I liked to stand there and drip dry. The towel hugged over my shoulders with a tight grip. Hair would drip, and on cold morning’s goose bumps would appear…
Squaw Pass
I’m still moving content from my old site. The transition from a “page” site to a more bloggy site is a good thing. Not sure what it means if I ever move the site again, but with WordPress as the backbone, it should be easier. Still not thrilled with the format. Tryin’ to get it formatted in a way I like is challenging. Without spending money. =) It’s just a drive. Somedays, you just have to go away.
The Surgery
I woke up that Saturday morning with two anesthesiologist over me. Not 100% coherent, probably not even 50%. Kinda sorta maybe remember being wheeled out of my room. My sister might have been there, it could have been Liz. I just don’t know. I do remember them asking my name and birth date. Those two questions were frequent over the next few days… any time a nurse gave me meds they always wanted to know this information. I got so bothered by it that anytime a new face came into my view I would introduce myself. Even familiar faces got the introduction. But anyway… back to the happy guys. My…
The ER
New people surround me as I lay there on the ambulance gurney. They need to get me off but I want nothing of that. Sure the ER bed is bigger and more stable, but they have to move me. And I have no idea what that’s going to feel like. More questions come from the nurses, who am I, what happened, did I hit my head? I’ve answered all these at least three times tonight, pretty good at the answers now. The next in sequence is all a blur… Five or six people surround me. I can tell you it happened, but not when. They ask me if I can…