Dads, sons, and guns
Never was much of a gun guy. And neither was my Daddio. I know he had a few guns and growing up was able to see and know about all of them.
He had a 22 revolver with a long barrel. Shot it a few times mainly at wood peckers that wanted to nest in our house. Probably knocked off more branches than woodpeckers. Just a kid knowing what a gun was and what it could do.
He also had a snub nosed 38 revolver. Kept it on the top shelf back corner of his closet shelf. Yup I knew where it was. It was never loaded. The only time I knew he even thought he needed it was when my sister had a “friend” over. He was much older, kinda crazy, and not 100% sure but may or may not have been wanted for something. Yeah…. Monte confronted the guy with it in his robe pocket. The dude left and was never to be seen again. He admitted this years later
His long rifle of choice was a 308. Likely was his father’s that just ended up as his when his dad died. Never shot that. And was probably 50 years since even Daddio shot it. I do remember it being heavy but that’s about it
When my Moms mom died he became the owner of a little 22 something. It was white or pink pearl, I can’t exactly remember. Heck it might have ended up at my moms brothers but I don’t exactly know. I vaguely remember Daddio complaining about having to go through a dealer to send it through the mail and costing something like $100. The pistol wasn’t even worth that I’m guessing.

And many many years later Daddio got his boy hood 22 long rifle back. A Winchester model 1906. Not sure if he forgot about it, or I just never knew about it. He tells me he’d take that everywhere growing up in Aztec. Had it since he could walk I guess. Or something. Always out shooting in the hills of the desert of New Mexico. Every boys dream. I’ve done some research and this particular gun was manufactured in 1919. A few years before Dad was born so it must have been a family gun. This gun became mine about 25 years ago? I honestly don’t remember but I know I had my jeep. We took it out in the desert a few times. And even back in Denver I ended up at the gun range to waste some time. Haven’t shot it in years.
Never was much of a gun guy. Had a few BB guns and those were fun enough. Never shot an eye out but yeah…. A few bruised butts from friends being dumb. Both of us.
Don’t know what happened to the 22 revolver or 308. But I’d like to have them. Not sure why to be honest. Just something.