Learning To Drive
Where I work has a big ol’ off-the-beaten-path 400 car parking lot. It sits empty pretty much. Today I witnessed a girl learning to ride a bike. Not judging but she looked to be about 14 or 17…. it -was- from a distance. Mom and Dad were eagerly yelling instructions out. Fun times.
I first drove a car with the blessing of my Mom. I tagged along with her and Pam, who had her permit and needed practice. Marshdale Elementary parking lot. I remember it well. I spent time on the tether ball court while they did what they did, not really paying much attention. Mom was pretty patient, and there were no dented fenders.
Both my sisters learned to steer from the middle of the seat. I could never do that. I just didn’t get it. Arms reaching to the side, trying to keep the car on the road. It never worked for me (never did go off the road but… ). We all learned to shift from the right seat. More patience from Dad.
Back to the elementary school. When Mom and Pam were done, Mom looked over at me and said… “Get in”. She explained a few things, and got out of the car. Not sure if she was foolish or smart, or just frazzled… but ultimately I think it was something else. She realized that her telling me things would just make us both crazy. Sometimes ya just got to dive in and do it. She let me.
I of course killed it. The clutch and the gears and the engine… they did not make sense to me. Shift, without the clutch just like from the right seat, no problem. Car off, clutch, shift, no problem. Add the engine? NOPE NOPE NOPE! Did that a few times, looked over to Mom and Pam… both having a big smile on their face. Clutch in, start the car… Gear in, Gas… Clutch out…
And off I went for a few laps. It was a small parking lot.
Later that summer coming back from the grandparents with just my Dad, he too pulled over. Let me drive about 100 miles.