• car,  Life

    The feels

    Not sure how I feel actually. Sucks but there are worse things in life. Like biting your tongue. Paper cuts. Death. So no big deal I was surprisingly calm. Ya get your week old car ran into and you should be mad. But I’m not. The end of summer car meet. A trip of 200 or so going up to Mt. Evans. To see the sunset from there is quite the site I’m told. It didn’t happen today I blessed Wallas shortly after I got it with the same cruse. But it was in the dark and I didn’t make it all the way up. I’m getting old. But today…

  • Family

    They count people ya know

    They just recently released census data for 1950.  I went and looked, and here’s what I found: Charles F. Shriver, Jr., Head of household, White, Male, 44 years old, Married, born in Kansas, 50 hours per week as a Truck Driver, Oil field, Born of mother and father also born in USA, 10th grade was highest education, 42 weeks employed in prior year, in 1949 earned $2,500 (about $30,000 today) Winifred R. Shriver, Wife, White, Female, 43 years old, Married, born in Kansas, keeping house, no other employment Monte R. Shriver, Son, White, Male, 15 years old, never Married, born in Kansas, School boy Sandra S. Shriver, Daughter, Female, 11…

  • Life

    Stranger danger

    I lived in New Jersey from age 4ish to 7ish. My family moved to Colorado when I was in 2nd grade. It was the 70’s and not much was worth writing home about. It’s not an obsession but a curiosity on my part. I’ve always been fascinated by missing people, kidnapping stories, runaway…. People who disappear only to be found years later. “I know my first name is Stephen”. Shaun Hornbeck, Elizabeth Smart. And the sadder cases like Etan Patz, Adam Walsh, Johnny Gosch…. It’s all crazy. I remember a few crazy things in my life and let me share the brief details as I remember them… I was walking…

  • Life,  Photography

    I’m tired of things

    I cannot tell you how many covid tests I have had in the last year. Maybe 1/2 dozen I think, but I’m not going back and counting… I don’t care to know. All needed, and not all out of exposure or worry. wo last February when I developed a fever that would not go away for 4 days. Turns out I had a tooth infection and antibiotics cleared that crap up. a few for preparing for travel down to see Mom, and a few from this stupid little notification. Exposure from 6 days ago… Normally it’s been 2…. and normally I’d run out and get a test, but 6 days…

  • Life

    Our next President and Vice President

    This is the beginning of the end to trumps presidential tour. I’m not happy, I am ecstatic. The last 4 years has indeed been a shit show, and I am reminded of my father’s words. “This nation is big enough and strong enough to survive 4 years of anyone being president.” He never thought of trump or a crazy pandemic when he said that. To be honest, I don’t even remember which president he was referring to. He was a life long republican but I have no idea when he flipped. Over the years I’ve held many of his same political leanings. In my heart though I would classify myself…