Cherry Creek State Park
Just a trip to take some pictures. I found a bench.
Always a Seat at the window
The towel hangs
The bench. The towel/coat rack. I just had to take a photo. I love benches you know. It’s a nice bench and the towel is ready when you are.
So here is another before raw pic and an edit. I have like 17 apps to edit photos but my go to is PS Express. The second is Snapseed. I don’t pay for either and 90% I can get them to do what I want. Say what you want
It’s at least architecture
It’s kind of a cool building, maybe not… but i took a picture and stitched them together.
I’m a traveler, but never too far
A trip along the Arkansas River via The Royal Gorge Route railroad
Just to post….
It’s been a minute….
A new project
Today, October 12. I’m starting a new photo project. 30 days of raw from in camera pictures. No filters. The only allowed thing is crops. Cause that’s the rule. I just want to experience and express things without the filter. So indulge me. Leaves on the hood, October 12, 2022 Streetlight sunrise, October 13, 2022 But stairs are hard, October 14, 2022 Are you looking at me? October 15, 2022 Homeless man on median below homes for 9% down, October 16, 2022 The green neon, October 17, 2022 Always look back, October 18, 2022 Fall has arrived, October 19, 2022 Hard working tow man, October 20, 2022 East Colfax, the…
I’m tired of things
I cannot tell you how many covid tests I have had in the last year. Maybe 1/2 dozen I think, but I’m not going back and counting… I don’t care to know. All needed, and not all out of exposure or worry. wo last February when I developed a fever that would not go away for 4 days. Turns out I had a tooth infection and antibiotics cleared that crap up. a few for preparing for travel down to see Mom, and a few from this stupid little notification. Exposure from 6 days ago… Normally it’s been 2…. and normally I’d run out and get a test, but 6 days…