car,  Life

The feels

Not sure how I feel actually. Sucks but there are worse things in life. Like biting your tongue. Paper cuts. Death. So no big deal

I was surprisingly calm. Ya get your week old car ran into and you should be mad. But I’m not.

The end of summer car meet. A trip of 200 or so going up to Mt. Evans. To see the sunset from there is quite the site I’m told. It didn’t happen today

I blessed Wallas shortly after I got it with the same cruse. But it was in the dark and I didn’t make it all the way up. I’m getting old. But today was going to go all the way to the top. Get the new Subie out and just drive.

All was well. First meet at a lot. Walk around. See the cars. Talk. All good. Then time to go. Ordered chaos. And the one thing I know. Don’t be a dick. Don’t get yourself in a place to be a dick or be hit. Leaving the parking lot all good. People rev. Cars scream and pop. Tires squeal. But today was calm. Broad daylight and no room for games.

Until I got hit. Turning from a one lane left onto a four lane. Yup an nice median so you don’t have to do it all at once. Until you do

Safe across two. Stop for traffic. Then boom. Hit from behind.

My Daddio always asked me why I never inched out into the intersection while waiting to turn left. The main reason? I’m safer not in the middle of a dang intersection. And if emergency vehicles come? I ain’t in the way.

But when there’s a perfect holding spot it’s ok. Just look who’s behind you not paying attention. And then fuck whatever they do cause they gotta look out for themselves.

Ugh. I hate it. But hey….. no one died. And as I looked at the face of a 20 yo kid. Who’s car is cool and he’s proud of it and all, Shit happens.

Although I did not ask him I reminded me of what my grandmother always asked when I fucked up. Did you do it on purpose?

it's easy to say something nice....